Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Madison Gooch - estate of James Gooch, Union County, GA

State of Georgia}
 Union County} The Honorable, the Court of Ordinary for the County & State aforesaid To Matison Gooch:

Whereas James Gooch, late of the State and County aforesaid, being deceased, died intestate, having whilst he lived and at the time of his death Real and personal estate within the county and state aforesaid by means whereof, the full disposition and power of granting the administration of all and singular the real and personal estate of said deceased, and also auditing the accounts, calculations and reckonings of the said administration and a final dismission of the same to this court is manifestly sworn to belong:  I, descrive that the real and personal estate of the said deceased may be well and truly administered converted and ?1wd? disposed of do hereby grant unto the said Matison Gooch full power and by the tenor of these presents to administer the real and personal estate of the said deceased which to him in his lifetime and at the time of his death did belong and to ask, levy, sue for, and recover and receive the same and to pay the debts in which the deceased stood obligated so far forth as the said real and personal estate will extend (2nd pic) according to their rate and order of law, being first sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God to make a true and perfect inventory thereof, and to exhibit the same into the court of ordinary aforesaid in order to be recorded on or before the 1st day of December, 1913 next issuing, and to render a just and true account, calculation and reckoning of the said administration of all and singular the real and personal estate of the said deceased.
  Witness the Honorable V. I Burg, ordinary for union county, this the 6th day of Oct 1913.
                                                                        //signed// V. I. Burt

Recorded Oct 7 1913
  //signed// V. I. Burt