List of Persons Liable to Pay Taxes in the 497th Dist G. M. of Crawford County, South of little Echoconnie Creek for the year 1836:
Ellias Wallace John Phillips
William Hancock Snr Lewis Sawyer
William Hancock Jnr Patrick Sawyer
John Hatcher Littleberry Boone
Jeremiah Hatcher John H. Monk
Elias Commander James C. Pimburton
James Cloud Samuel H. Jenkins
Susannah Grant Simon Johnson
Clement Hancock William Johnson
John Jones Michael Watson
John Newberry Turner Cates
Abel Daniel Thomas Cates
Gosper Hortman
Zian Pike Joseph Wilder
Samuel Commander Nimrod Lewis
Martin Ansley Theophalus Cotton
Lamon Causey Jesse Lewis
John Causey John Hancock
Littleberry L. Causey Stephen Gibbons
Isaac Dennis William Smith
John Dennis Shepherd Smith
Thomas Grant