Georgia, Crawford County. Before me John Hancock a Justice of the Peace in and for said county personally appeared before me Nimrod Lewis who after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he was not citteson of said County on the first day of January 1834.
Sworn to and subscribed before this 29 of July 1835
//signed// John Hancock JP //signed// Nimrod Lewis
Georgia, Crawford County tax collector's execution
To any lawful officer to execute and return:
You are hereby commanded that the goods and chattels lands and tenements of Nimrod Lewis you cause to be made the same of 46 cents. It being the amount of his tax for the year 1834 and the further sum of sixty two & half cents for the Fi Fa and make due returns thereof to me according to law. Hereof fail not. Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day of July 1835.
//signed/ Wm Campbell ????
Analysis: This document gives us a date range for when Nimrod arrived in Crawford County. Per his statement, he was not there in January 1834 and he quite obviously was in July 1835.