Fourth of July Celebration
According to previous arrangements, a large and respectable portion of the Union party of Crawford County assembled at Wright's hotel in Knoxville and at eleven o'clock a procession was formed by Joseph J. Bradford Marshall of the day, and marched to the Courthouse where and [sic] address to the throne of grace was offered up by the Rev - - - - [dashes in the original]. The declaration of independence was read by James J. Ray and an oration delivered by G.R. Hunter esq. The company then returned to Wright's tavern where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared. After the cloth had been removed the following toasts were drunk -
Volunteer Toasts
By L. Capt Carr - The Union Congressional Ticket - Bright Sentinel on the watch tower of Southren rights - may the commands of Georgia on the first Monday in October next plant them station them in the capitol at Washington to Defend their rights
By B. H. Carr - The present crisis - the people are determined to elevate no man to office who is in favour of protecting speculators and dealers in bank stock, in prefference to the agricultural and labouring classes - the farmers support the government and deserve its protection
G Culverhouse - May the memory of 76 animate every American to the exercise execution of those duties to which he is so firmly bound.
By Zachariah P. [last name unclear] - Andrew Jackson - the stern and unwavering patriot - may his latter days be as happy as his former achievements and pure principles have been beneficial to the Union and the People.
By Capt ?Lawsle? of Bibb - The Declaration of Independence the best Book of human rights.
By W. H. Brooks - May the lovers of the fair sex never lack means to support or spirit to defend them
By James E. Price - May the Ballot Box, on the first Monday in October 1839 - speak to George R. Gilmore in language that cannot be misunderstood - that it wrong to give the poor soldier a stone when he asks bread
By Samuel B. Burnett - Our liberties civil and religious - may they be preserved by an all-ruling providence.
By D. R. Ray - May Abolitionists and their kind soon sink into oblivion and those who falsely charge Southren men by residence and interest (if not birth) with being friendly to abolitionists, soon share the same faith
By a person unknown - the patriotic ladies who have animated us by their presence - cheered us by their smiles - and aided us by their exertions in the present occasion
By L. L. - the Union of the States. May they be preserved in that purity and harmony in which they were formed.
By A. Davis - General Washington, the father of American liberty - may his farewell address make a lasting impression on the American People
W. H. Lowe, Esq - The United States Bank. The people will never consent to have a master in the shape of a national bank - we go for the Constitution as it is - not as the bank party would have it
By ?I? B. Drew - America - If she ever fall, will fall like the strong man, she will embrace the pillars of the united States and pull the Constitution down with her
By James J. Ray - The president and vice-president of the United States, their unsullied integrity, their tried worth and capacity, and their fidelity to the great principles of civil liberty entitle them to the confidence and support of a generous and republican people.
By M. Hancock - The Star spangled Banner. Long May it Wave - over the land of the free and the home of the brave.
By L. Snow - May the abolitionists and their allies be wound into a ball of yarn elastic striped in Aqua Fortis and raised in a whirlwind of ?whipsaws? and thrown into the deserts of Africa.
By Capt Walker - The Union party to succeed must act - there [word illegible] are on the alert and use every means to deceive
By G. R. Hunter esq - the temporary divorce of the government from the banks produced by the suspension of spring payments. The federal party are anxious to reunite the two - but the people say no - stand firm Mr. Van Buren on the pedestal of the Constitution until the democracy shall have time to rally, and send members to Washington who will decree a perpetual divorce.
By A. M. Swift - The union of States, independent of fear, affection or favour.
By Jeremiah Dennis - Our unions federal and matrimonial - may the former contnue as in the age of Jefferson and the latter as in the days of Noah still marrying and giving in marriage
By H. Crowde jr of Ala - The union democratic-republican party of Georgia ever firm and true to their principles - may they prove themselves so on the first Monday in October next.
By J. L. Bradford - The day we celebrate - may it ever remain fresh in the memory of every true democratic republican.
By J. J. Fulsom - We will cling to the pillars of our liberties and if the union fall we will fall amidst the ruins
I am fascinated by articles about history and the lives of people way back when!
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