In order to
obtain the benefits of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 ---
State of Georgia
Crawford County
On this the
thirteenth day of January eighteen hundred and forty five personally appears in
open Court before the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County now sitting
Phillip Mathews a resident of Crawford County State of Georgia aged about
eighty three years, who being duly sworn according to Law, does on his oath
make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an act of
Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he
entered the Service as a drafted Militia man in the United States Service and
served as here in stated, that he entered the Service under Captain William
Robb, Colonel John Pierson Command the regisment in the South Carolina militia
from Fairfield District he thinks in the month of May seventeen hundred and
eighty one (1781) for a three months term and served out his time faithfully
and was discharged about the first of August that year but that he received no
written discharge. That he again entered
the Service Seventeen hundred and eighty two for a three months tour as a
drafted militia man, under Captain William Hughs and Commanded by Colonel John
Perrson. He served a tour of three
months and was discharged but received no written discharge. That he resided in the State of South
Carolina Fairfield district when he entered the service that he marched from
his residence to Orangburg Court house about eighty miles distance, the first
Tour and was stationed there during the Tour but was ordered on a number of
expeditions in teh surrounding country during this time. The Second tour he was marched from his
residence to a place called the four holes or the four hole Bridge about the
distance of eighty miles where he was stationed and remained during the three
months except for occasional expeditions in the surrounding country; that he
has no documentary evidence by which to prove the above narrated service but
can prove these by one living witness to wit, one Thomas Nelson now residing in
the county of Pike in the State of Georgia and whose testimony he begs leave
herewith to submit.
propounded by the Court
Question. Where and in what year were
you born? (over)
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2nd Q. Have you any record of your age. If yea where is it
2nd A. I recollect having seen a record of my age
but it has long since been lost or destroyed.
3rd Q. Where were you living when called in to
Service? Where have you been living
since the revolutonary war? And where do
you now live?
3rd A. I was living in Fairfield District South
Carolina when I was called into the service each time. I lived in Fairfield District South Carolina
until about the year 1824 at which time I moved to Crawford County Georgia
where I have lived up to the present time.
4th Q. How were you called in to the service, were
you drafted? Did volunteer or were you a
substitute and if a substitute for whom,
4th A. I was drafted each time and did not volunteer
or substitute.
5th Q. State some of the names of the regular
officers were were with the regular troops when you served such Continental and
militia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your
5th A. While we were stationed at Orangburge General
Green General Winn and General Sumpter all visited our Camps. I suppose for the purpose of inspecting our
troops. Colonel Lacys regiment or a part
of it was there (of the militia) there were no continental troops with us as he
now recollects while stationed at or near Orangeburg. When General Green came he commanded or
ordered a seige by strategem [one word] in such manner as to induce the enemy
to believe that we were sufficiently strong to storm their fortress by mounting
pieces of wood to which he intended should appear to the enemy as field
pieces. And in a short time the enemy
surrendered the fortress and themselves as prisoners of war. Some of the prisoners were paroled and the
remainder marched to Camden as near as I can recollect. (over)
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6th A. I never received a regular written
discharge. Our company received an oral
discharge each tour and each time by relief taking our place.
7th Q. State the name of several persons to whom you
are known in your present and immediate neighborhood and who can testify as to
your character for veracity and their belief of your services as a
revolutionary soldier.
7th A. I am known to Patrick M. Calhoun and Phillip
J. Echols.
And he hereby
relinquishes all and every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the
present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency in
any state, Sworn to and subscribed;
[Signed] Thos C.
Howard J I C [or JJC]
[Signed] Philip Mathews
[Signed] Lewis F. Hicks J I C
[Signed] John B.
Grace J I C
We Patrick M. Calhoun a clergyman residing in
the County of Crawford and State of Georgia and Phillip J. Echols, residing in
the same County and State, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with
Phillip Mathews who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we
believe him to be eighty four years old, that he is reputed and believed in the
neighborhood where lives, to have been a Revolutionary soldier and we concur in
that opinion. Sworn to and subscribed
the day and year aforesaid.
[Signed] Thos.
C. Howard JIC
[Signed] Patrick M. Calhoun M.G.
[Signed] Lewis
F. Hicks JIC
[Signed] Philip J. Echols
[Signed] John B.
Grace JIC
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