Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nimrod Lewis's War of 1812 records

I had long ago seen that a Nimrod Lewis (and yes, there were more than one) had served with the Georgia Militia in the war of 1812.  Unfortunately, the only records remaining were muster rolls, which did not tell much about what the unit did nor was there anything to show that this was our Nimrod Lewis.

Recently the National Archives began a project with Fold 3 to index the War of 1812 land warrant applications and unlike some of the pensions, these were available to militia members as well.  The index is free and the record can then be ordered from the archives.  I looked at the Ls and there was a Nimrod Lewis from Georgia, so I ordered the record.  Unlike the militia roster, this record confirmed that it was the Crawford County man.

The records show that he actually enlisted twice.  He first enlisted at Waynesboro in Captain Roger Gamble's unit, in March 1814 and served with that unit until they were discharged in September of that year in Point Petre.  This is probably Fort Point Peter, near the Georgia-Florida border.  In January 1815, he volunteered for Capt Stephen Blount's unit, again enlisting in Waynesboro.  They were discharged in February 1815 at Savannah.

His application was made in 1851, when he was 63 years old.  In 1854 Nimrod was awarded 80 acres of land in Ohio but assigned his claim to Jesse Stone.  It is probable that he sold the claim to Stone rather than starting over at age 66. 

1 comment:

  1. Makes me wonder how many Georgians did go on to Ohio to claim their land!
