Transcription of a file found at the Georgia Archives manuscript collection, Crawford County Probate Records, Enoch Mathews estate.
Transcript of a petition found in the Crawford County GA loose files in the Georgia state archives,
State of Georgia Crawford county
To the Hon Court of Ordinary of said County,
The petition of Thomas B Eaton & Mary Eaton his wife of the county of Greer & State of Texas respectfully showeth that the said Mary Eaton is the daughter of Mrs. Ellen Slatter who was formerly Ellen Matthews & daughter of Enoch Matthews late of Crawford County Georgia. Your petitioners further showeth that said Ellen Slatter was the wife of Septimus Slatter Sr &that said Septimus Slatter Sr died previous to the death of said Ellen Slatter & that said Ellen Slatter died in Woods County Texas on Sept 15, 1869. That said Ellen Slatter at the time of her death was a widow & left surviving her five children to wit - L F W Slatter, Wm Slatter, George Slatter, S P Slatter & Mary Slatter (now Mrs. Mary Eaton) one of your petitioners. That no children of her had died before the said Ellen Slatter departed this life.
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Since the death of said Ellen Slatter L F W Slatter had died (leaving no will); also George & William Slatter have since died intestate, nor has there been any administration upon their estates. That said Wm Slatter left a wife who is now a widow named Isabella McBride & has his children who are minors & named Edward Slatter & Mary Slatter & that said Isabella McBride is the guardian for said minors & that the guardianship is pending in Raines Co Texas. That L F W Slatter died in Raines County Texas & left a wife and four children surviving him. His wife's name is Elizabeth & has recently married Richard Talley of Woods County Texas That the children of said L F W Slatter are minors & named Thomas Slatter, William Slatter, Robert & Henry Slatter and that their mother is their guardian & letters of guardianship are pending in Raines County Texas That George Slatter recently dec'd in Woods County Texas & left a
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widow named Roxanna & one child surviving him & that said child is a minor & no guardian appointed for same that your petitioners are aware of. That Septimus P Slatter Jr son of said Ellen Harris [sic] now resides in Raines County Texas, That your petitioners formerly resided at Whiteboro Grayson County Texas where the[y] moved from there to Frazer Greer County Texas, where they now reside since May 1886.
Your petitions further show that the aforementioned persons are the only heirs at law of said Ellen Slatter deceased who died intestate & no administration was had on her Estate that your petitioners are aware of. That the said Ellen Slatter at the time of her death was one of the legatees & heirs at law of Enoch Matthews her father late of Crawford County Georgia & that Geo. D. Matthews of Crawford County represented the Estate of said
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Enoch Matthews & has placed the portion of said Estate as belonged to the heirs of said Ellen Slatter in the Bank at Macon Ga ammntg to $230.90 & that the amount due your petitioner Mrs.
Mary Eaton of said source is $46.18 [1 word unknown] if any is due by said Bank. Your petitioner Mary Eaton joined by her husband Thomas B Eaton respectfully ask an order of your Honorable Court to pay the said sum of Forty Six Dollars Eighteen cents to their attorneys in fact Thomas & Chandler of Columbus Ga & that they have duly made & executed a Power of Attorney to said Grigsby E. Thomas Jr & Grigsby E Chandler or either of them to collect & receipt for same in their names. Said Power of Atty is dated Oct 14 1866 & witnessed by Mrs. L. Curry & F. B. Dirke County Judge of Greer Co Texas & certificate of clerk as to signature of said Judge. And your petitioners will ever pray &c
Thomas & Chandler
Atty for T.B & Mary Eaton
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State of Georgia Muscogee County
Personally appeared before me George W. Dillingham a Notary Public in & for said State & Couty, Grigsby E. Thomas Jr who is one of the firm of Thomas & Chandler Attorneys at law Columbus Georgia & who being duly sworn deposes & saith that the facts set forth in the forgoing petition of Thomas B & Mary Eaton are true to the best of his information & belief. That he went to Woods & Raines County Texas in July last & saw Mrs. L F W Slatter now Mrs Richard Talley, also saw Mrs. Isabella McPride & Mrs. Roxana Slatter in person, that Mrs. Isabella McBride was formerly the wife of William Slatter decd and had by said Wm Slatter two minor children surviving him, that Mrs.Roxann Slatter was the widow of
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George Slatter decd & had by said George Slatter one minor child surviving him. He also saw while out there Septimus P Slatter Jr in person. That he saw Mrs. L F W Slatter (now Mrs. Richard Talley) given name is Elizabeth & has by the said L F W Slatter deceased four minor children surviving him, That he went in person to Whitesboro Grayson County Texas to see Mrs. Mary Eaton & her husband Thomas B. Thomas B Eaton & was informed they had moved to Greer County Texas & that he [1 word] to them at Frazer Greer County Texas & received from them their power of attorney to act for them in collecting any money that may be due said Mary Eaton (formerly Mary Slatter & daughter of Ellen Slatter) as one of the
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heirs at law of her mother Mrs. Ellen Slatter wife of Septimus Slatter Sr & daughter of Enoch Matthews of Crawford County Georgia. That said Power of Attorney is dated Oct 14 1886 & witnessed by Mrs. L Curry and T B Dirke Judge of County Court of Greer County Texas & certificate of clerk of Green County as to the ?genuineness? of Judge's signatuer. That said Power of Atty is addressed to Grigsby E.Thomas Jr & Grigsby E. Chandler or either of them that [1 word] of same is hereby made to this Court of Ordinary of Crawford County Georgia for record in said Court.
Grigsby E. Thomas Jr
Sworn to subscribed before me this 26th day of November AD 1886
[signed] Leo W. Dillingham
Notary Public
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