Saturday, April 5, 2014

Patience Garner

Patience Garner was probably one of the daughters of Jacob Garner, in Washington County, Georgia, since she was closely associated with his other children.  Family lore has it that she married a Durden, but every record I have found for her still has her name as Garner, with no evidence that she ever married. 

Patience was one of Jacob's older children, born in 1770 while he was still in North Carolina (per her 1850 census entry).   The first public record found for her is her joining Bethlehem Baptist church on 16 July 1815, together with her neighbor Eliz.Cone.  She was one of the members of Bethlehem to move over to Sisters Baptist Church when it was founded in 1824 and then moved again to become a charter member of Union Baptist when it was formed in 1844. 

Patience had property of her own as evidenced by the 1836 tax digest, where she has 200 acres of property.  While more work needs to be done on this, it is possible that this reflects an inheritance from her father who disappears between the 1830 and 1840 censuses.  He had paid tax on 200 acres in Washington County through at least 1831, and for both of them the land was described as bounded by Long.   Her brothers Henry and John and several nephews also pay in 1836 tax records, but brothers Moses and Stephen were both listed as defaulters.   She also pays taxes in 1837 and 1838, although the acreage is not given.  However, when the online tax records resume in 1848, she is still paying on 200 acres.

In 1840, she appears as head of household in Washington County, Georgia.  The household contains three people:  A woman age 60-70 (presumably her) and two men age 50-60, probably her brothers Moses and Stephen, since they are all living together in 1850.  In 1850, the census lists the household as Moses, 63, farmer with property worth $700, born in SC; Stephen, 63, farmer born in SC, Patience, 80, born in NC and Nancy, 40, born in Georgia.   Patience continued to pay taxes on her 200-acre property through 1851.

In 1855, Nancy Garner, relationship still unknown, relinquished to William Garner (Patience's nephew) her rights in a piece of property formerly belonging to Patience Garner.  There is no description of the property, leading me to believe that this is part of an inheritance and not a purchase.  From this, her age, and the lack of any other records concerning her, I am tentatively assuming that Patience died between 1851 and 1855. 

In a family aside, looking at the possibility that Jacob left this property to Patience.  Her brother Henry also left his property to his only daughter Sally, also unmarried. 

1 comment:

  1. Nancy Garner was my great great grandmother. It seems she never married, but had two children, Wiley and William, who is my great grandfather. He was married twice. I think his first wife died in childbirth. My grandfather, Thomas Chappell Garner was one of his many sons (second marriage). TC married Alma Lizzie NeSmith in Dublin, GA and had four sons. My father, Javan, was his second son. I am Javan's second child. He had two daughters. My grandfather bought a home with 50 acres in 1936 in Dublin. William lived in this home the last year of his life. I now reside in this home. So this might make us 48th cousins, thrice removed! I am Denise Garner Jacob. My daughter Leila, and my father Javan, will probably leave comments also! They know much more than I! Thank you for publishing Patience as Nancy did live with her each time she was expecting a child. Patience was indeed a very special person!
